Fun Time


Type of service: Software Development, Project Management

Industry: Entertainment

Technologies: C#, .NET 6, Ionic, Entity Framework, MSSQL, WPF, C++

The system for managing children's playrooms is designed to streamline the operations of playrooms, providing a convenient and efficient solution for visitors and staff alike.

The system offers visitors an easy way to register and sign the terms of agreement, while staff can record visits and monitor the time spent in the playroom using RFID cards and wristbands.

The main goal of the project was to create a system for registration and quick search of all visitors, as well as entry and exit records, and control of stay time.

The first problem the client had was signing the terms of consent at the Trampoline Park. This consent was signed on paper, where every visitor had to enter personal data and sign that he agreed with the terms of consent, every time he came. We have solved this problem by enabling visitor registration on large touch screens, signing consent with a finger. The signed consent will be sent to the visitor's email and saved in the database, which facilitates the search in case something happens. Also, it is enough for the visitor to sign the terms of consent once, which is recorded in the database and he does not have to do it again every next time, because his consent already exists and he can immediately enter the Entertainment park.

Another problem was the control of staying time and creating large crowds. There were visitors who paid only for the first hour of use and stayed for more than one hour, which caused the game room to cost money and create a crowd. This is solved by issuing tickets with a QR code or RFID, and physical barriers for entry and exit records. The system comprises several applications:

  • 1. Server with central database
  • 2. Client application that is installed on totem devices and serves end users(visitors) to register, read the terms of consent, sign with their finger on the touchscreen screen and accept the terms. Registration ends with the creation of a document that is sent to clients by e-mail and stored in the database.
  • 3.An admin application with multiple roles where each has a different appearance and access levels. The admin and manager manage the playroom, while the employees record visits using QR code cards or RFID cards or bracelets. The visitor is allowed to enter the game room with a (QR or RFID) card that he sees on the ramp, if the card is valid, the ramp opens and allows access, in case the card's validity period expires, the user will not be able to leave until he returns to pay for the ticket. This regulates the time visitors stay in the playroom.

The system's check-in and check-out feature allows for accurate calculation of fees and the generation of statistical reports. Overall, this system offers an effective solution for managing a children's playroom.


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